Cosmetic Acupuncture
About Cosmetic Acupuncture
Willow Tree Acupuncture and Wellness Clinic offers a comprehensive treatment approach to facial rejuvenation and cosmetic acupuncture, which includes treating both the internal and external factors causing concern. It is important to begin the process from the inside out; therefore, we begin with a full body constitutional acupuncture treatment.
From there, you may experience a collection of some of the following modalities. A micro-needling session activates collagen production in the skin and the placement of thin needles along the jawline, around the eyes, or any other areas of concern helps reduce signs of wrinkles and firms your skin.
An option to add to your cosmetic acupuncture treatment is a customized herbal formula that allows you to work on your underlying constitution as well as any specific health concerns.
Improvements made with Facial Rejuvenation acupuncture:
- Elasticity
- Redness
- Lines and wrinkles
- Puffiness
- Sagging
- Facial symmetry
- Color
- Texture
- Moisture
- Under-eye circles